The terrible twos – a stage which your once blue-eyed angel had you convinced you would never have to endure. Before you lose your sense of humour, try these five tips which could help you tame a tantrum and even prevent them from happening in the first place.
It’s all about ground rules
If you’re in the thick of it, you probably know that a meltdown usually follows after you tell your toddler that he or she is not allowed to do or have something. The best way to tackle this type of tantrum, is to create ground rules and stick to them. You shouldn’t say no today and yes to the same situation tomorrow. Over time, toddlers learn what is expected of them and will in turn cooperate with you.
Team work
There’s no point in being the only one to enforce the ground rules that you set. Family members (daddy and granny, this means you too) and caregivers should be on the same page as you are and help you to set boundaries for your toddler’s behaviour. If toddlers are given a consistent response to various situations, they will be less likely to push the boundaries with different people.
Take a deep breath and count to ten
In the middle of a tantrum, it is easy to have a mini eruption of your own. For the sake of the situation (and your sanity), take a deep breath and count to ten. There is no point in both of you being hysterical. Children feed off the emotion of their parents. If you are able to remain calm, your toddler might take a cue from your behaviour and calm down too.
Distraction is key
This is not guaranteed to work, as some toddlers are more stubborn than others. But hey, it’s worth a try and some parents are able to distract their children out of a tantrum. The next time your toddler erupts, try telling a funny joke or doing a silly dance. You never know, it may be just what your toddler needs to move on from the situation.
Keep to a schedule
The more comfortable toddlers are, the less likely they are to respond to a situation negatively by throwing a tantrum. Make every effort to stick to your toddler’s schedule. Knowing what comes next is comforting. A comfy toddler is a happy toddler, and one who is less likely to throw a tantrum.
Lara Bestbier
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