
Aromatherapy in labour: 7 essential oils that will ease the pain

Doula, Erica Chidi lists seven essential oils that will ease your labour pains and suggests a few methods your partner or labour support can try.

aromatherapy in labour
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Even with all the prep your child-birthing class provides, it’s nice to keep a few tricks up your sleeve for when labour day actually arrives. Integrating aromatherapy – the art of using essential plant and flower oils to promote health and well-being in the body – into your birth plan is a great way to prime and support your body during labour.

Most effective during the early and active stages of labour

In labour, oils can be used at different stages in a myriad of ways. As a doula, I’ve found aromatherapy most helpful during the early and active stages of labour. When used correctly, aromatherapy can make a successful shift and center the mother’s energy.

Oils should be pure and therapeutic

To truly reap the benefits of aromatherapy, the essential oils should be pure and therapeutic grade. Make sure the oils don’t contain any synthetic fragrances, volume extenders, or less expensive oils as substitutes. Oils that are certified organic or ethically wild-crafted tend to be correctly extracted and from a reliable source.

The right oils are excellent during labour. The ones below are all safe to use during pregnancy, except for clary sage (it should be avoided until labour begins, because it’s a uterine stimulant and could cause premature contractions). Neroli, rose and ylang ylang oil blend together beautifully, but are equally effective when used individually. Peppermint is best used on its own in the second stage of labour, when you need a little “pick me up.” If you plan to use the oils directly on your skin, make sure to dilute them with a cold-pressed carrier oil, like almond, grapeseed or apricot kernel oil. However, lavender can be used right on the skin.

Be mindful: These oils are potent and should be used sparingly.

Determine your sensitivity before labour

Before heading into the L&D, it’s a good idea to build a positive association with your selected oil or chosen blend by incorporating them into any relaxation practices during pregnancy. It’s also a great way to determine your sensitivity and figure out whether you like the scent of the oils on your skin. Aromatherapy is perfect in long bath, while you meditate, or before you go to bed. Make sure to discuss aromatherapy with your care provider before using any essential oils.

Seven oils to make room for in your hospital bag

  1. Neroli: Releases stagnant energy and encourages calm breathing
  2. Clary Sage (avoid during pregnancy): promotes smooth contractions and provides pain relief
  3. Rose Absolute: Encourages softening in pelvic ligaments & decreases anxiety
  4. Geranium: Promotes mental balance and circulatory stimulation
  5. Ylang -Ylang: Encourages relaxation and lowers blood pressure
  6. Lavender: Eases breathing, provides pain relief and promotes deep relaxation
  7. Peppermint: Reduces nausea and revives energy

Here are a few methods your partner or labour support can try:

  • Massage: Add 12 to 15 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil. Apply to the skin on popular labour massage points like the shoulders, hands and feet.
  • Compress: Add eight to 10 drops of essential oil to two cups of hot or cold water. Stir to disperse oils. Soak a small washcloth, wring and place on the forehead. Repeat process every 15 minutes.
  • Shower or Bath: Add 10 to 15 drops of essential oil to a full bath, or drop the same amount of oil on the floor of the shower for a similar aromatic effect.
  • Diffuser: Add 15 to 20 drops of essential oil to your selected diffuser. If you’re in the hospital, where open flames are prohibited, consider using a battery or electrical powered flameless diffuser.
  • Inhalation: Place 1 to 3 drops of essential oil on a cloth or your hands. Agitate the cloth or rub hands to distribute and heat the oil, place hands or cloth over your face, and breath deeply.

About the Author: Erica Chidi is the founder of The Mama Circle a modern resource for new and expectant parents in Los Angeles. In her capacity as a doula, lactation counsellor and chef, she helps women all over the world transition into motherhood with awareness and confidence through her holistic support services and her unique maternity coaching program TMC One-One-One. For more recipes, and information on pregnancy, birth and motherhood follow @themamacircle on Instagram.

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