Gender reveal: To be sad for what isn’t Three and a half years ago, I bought a pair of gold sparkly shoes for my future daughter. They were marked ...
Dear pre-baby me, here’s what you need to know Oh, momma. I see you over there in the nappy aisle, stuffing your face with popcorn, slush tucked carefully ...
Nutritional guide for expectant and breastfeeding moms One of the most important responsibilities of a mother is to provide her child with the best nutrition ...
Tips for maintaining a healthy fitness routine during pregnancy Most of us expect that we’ll maintain a fitness schedule throughout our pregnancy, but the reality is that ...
Pregnancy discharge: The low down on what’s going on down low First off, it’s normal to have vaginal discharge. It keeps vaginal tissues healthy, lubricated and clean. ...
Preparing for baby: What you need to pack in your hospital bag One of the most exciting ‘must-dos’ during pregnancy is packing a labour bag for the hospital. For new ...
Dos and dont’s of exercise during pregnancy Working out while pregnant is a great way for moms-to-be to prepare for labour and childbirth while also ...
Pregnant? Avoid cleaning chemicals and germ killers A study to be presented this week at the 248th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical ...
Spotting during pregnancy – should you be worried? First trimester spotting About 20 to 30 percent of all pregnant women have a little bit of bleeding or ...
Nutrition tips for a healthy pregnancy Carrying even just a few extra kilograms combined with an elevated blood sugar level could pose a health ...