
7 steps to breastfeeding success

These seven steps to breastfeeding success will help you feel comfortable and empowered in achieving your breastfeeding goals.

© evgenyatamanenko -

For many new moms, breastfeeding your baby can be a tricky and sometimes daunting experience.

Lots of questions are asked and doubts about whether or not you’re doing it right are extremely common.

Together with Midwife and Baby Advisor, Vicki Scott, Philips AVENT has listed their seven steps to breastfeeding success to help moms feel comfortable and empowered in achieving their breastfeeding goals.

From attending local breastfeeding classes with other new moms to not being afraid to ask for help when needed, these steps will arm new moms with all the information they’ll need to confidently and successfully breastfeed their bundle of joy.

  1. Before your little one’s arrival, attend a local breastfeeding class to find out how it all works and to connect with other moms-to-be.
  2. In the early days, lots of skin-to-skin contact helps with breastfeeding and bonding. Just sit back and relax!
  3. Did you know that drinking too much fluid whilst breastfeeding can reduce your milk supply? Remember to keep hydrated, but only drink when you’re thirsty.
  4. Encourage your baby to feed frequently. They have tiny tummies and will feed little and often until your milk comes in.
  5. Make sure you’re getting as much sleep as possible, eating properly and limiting visitors. This will be of huge benefit to you, as the first few weeks can be pretty intense.
  6. Care for your skin by washing once or twice a day with plain water only and applying nipple cream directly after feeds.
  7. Stock up on ‘comfort essentials’ to support you as you start breastfeeding: a lanolin based nipple cream, Philips AVENT breast pads and soothing thermapads.

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