Snacking is when your baby does not finish a full feed when he is supposed to. A baby that snacks won’t be able to stretch the suggested amount of time between feeds.
Break the cycle
- Encourage your baby to finish the feed that you have offered him. However, if he persists in rejecting it, then leave it.
- If he starts fussing before his correct feeding time, try and stretch him until it is time to feed. Stretching can be achieved by offering him a pacifier or distracting his attention with a toy or a change of scenery like a walk in the garden.
- If his fussing leads to full on crying, then offer him a small amount (such as 15 to 20 mls) to satisfy the hunger. Wait until the correct feeding time to offer him the rest of his feed.
Unfortunately, it takes a baby three days to develop a bad habit and a full 21 days to break it. To ensure that you break the snacking cycle, stick to the above guidelines for 21 days (even if your baby ditches the habit in the first week).
A baby that feeds properly and at the correct times is a happier, more content baby.
Lara Bestbier
Writer. Creative. Word-nerd. Aspiring photographer. Old wife. Brand new member of the elite society called mommy-hood. Mom to the only drama queen more demanding than me. “Life’s too short to keep a straight face”.
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