All posts tagged in: parenting a toddler
Advice for a mom whose toddler is not speaking
My daughter is now 19-months-old. My concern is that she is not speaking, doesnt even want to say mamma! I ...
Funny video: The stages of putting a toddler to bed
The bedtime battles – a “game” that any toddler parent has played.
Official bedtime is at 7pm. What ...
Why there is never a good reason to smack your toddler
A new law is being drafted in South Africa to stop parents smacking their children. This is extremely good ...
The secret sauce to finding balance
I’m not really one of those “Women can have it all!” fanatics. I don’t do everything and I certainly ...
Video: Michael Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ gets zombie mom makeover
This one is for all the mombies (moms of toddlers who have turned into zombies).
Machel Green and her Vintage ...
Study: Toddler’s regulate behaviour to avoid making parents angry
When kids say “the darnedest things,” it’s often in response to something they heard or ...
Funny video: Mom documents toddler’s insults
Look, we all know that if you want honesty (the brutal, sometimes not-so-nice kind), ask a child. Most times, ...
Help your toddler cope wth stressful events
Eight-month-old, “Karla” was playing on the slide at the park in her neighbourhood, her mother ...
Practical tips for your fussy eater
Babies grow more rapidly in their first year than at any other time in their lives. After 12 months, a ...
Healthy lunchbox ideas for your toddler
Remember, that toddlers like to nibble on small quantities of food, so try to avoid overwhelming their senses ...


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