
How your body temperature varies during the course of Ovulation

Charting ovulation is particularly useful when you are trying to get pregnant and wish to know your most fertile days to raise your chances of conceiving.

© studioJowita

It is possible to determine your most fertile days and when you are ovulating by measuring your body’s temperature. During ovulation your system’s average temperature increases and this spike will point out that you are ovulating and are at your most fertile period. Charting ovulation is particularly useful when you are trying to get pregnant and wish to know your most fertile days to raise your chances of conceiving.

To help you arrive at an accurate reading you will need to record your temperature regularly using a chart so that your average daily temperature can be ascertained accurately.

The best time to record this is actually instantly on waking up every morning, preferably at the same time every single day, employing a basal thermometer. Try to ensure it is the very first thing you do as every movement boosts your body’s temperature.

Temperature changes that indicate ovulation:

Before you ovulate your body’s basal temperature (the minimum temperature in a 24 hour period) spans from 36.1 to 36.3 celcius. This is known as the Follicular Phase. A few women (don’t assume all) will have a temperature drop.

After ovulation, hormonal fluctuations result in an increase in body’s temperature anywhere between 36.4 to 36.6 celcius. (This is known as your Luteal Phase)

The day after ovulation the temperature is known to rise a further 0.11 degrees celcius , and temperatures remaining elevated 10-16 days going back to normal in the instance that there is no pregnancy (where it will remain elevated for 18 days and longer). In this case it is best to check out for a positive pregnancy.

There are other methods of fertility charting that you may also attempt along with the cervical mucus method and the calendar method, however these are not as accurate as your temperature method described here as they do not take into account alterations in your system and irregular periods.

About the Author: For more conception advice, visit the Conceive Plus website or Facebook page

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