
Fertility is a lifelong relationship with yourself

Contrary to popular belief, a woman’s fertility is not determined by her age or the number and quality of her eggs alone. Fertility is a lifelong relationship with yourself.

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Physician and writer Dr. Christiane Northrup has amassed legions of fans (including Oprah) inspired by her message of connecting mind, body and spirit to issues of female reproductive health.

While critics claim her New Age-y views veer from oddball to dangerous, others consider her a visionary. Northrup has more than four million books in circulation in 24 languages, including the best-selling Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom. She shares her insights on a hot-button issue: female fertility.

Common misperception about female fertility

Contrary to popular belief, a woman’s fertility is not determined by her age or the number and quality of her eggs alone. Fertility is a lifelong relationship with yourself.

Beyond anatomical issues such as blocked fallopian tubes, fewer labels are more damaging to a woman than being told her eggs are too old or that she is infertile. And, I believe too many couples are medically advised too quickly to move to IVF, which can increase the risk of birth defects.

For me, the essence of the mind-body connection is when you truly believe that you are a highly fertile, sensual, sexual being with a great deal of love and nurturing to give to others, and that it is your birth-right to have a child should you so choose, you will get pregnant when you want it to be.

Making the change

It’s important to ask yourself, “What are the family messages and experiences that I am holding on to that could be affecting my efforts to conceive a baby?”

Dig into your thoughts and feelings around this issue, your family history, the programming you received from your mother or other family members when you were a child, your deepest-held beliefs about childbirth or having a child. These feelings can run your biology, but by acknowledging them and releasing them, you can consciously work with this to enhance your ability to have a baby.

What about women in their 40s?

For a woman at this point in her life, her body is starting to ready itself for menopause, and a deep, more psychological rebirth could be happening within her that will cause a woman to go within herself. This is the opposite of what parenting a young child involves, which if done right completely pulls you out of yourself.

In the 40s, it’s a time to look into your heart’s deepest desires and follow them. For some, her deepest desires could be a child.

Practical advice regarding stress and diet

Be sure your diet includes omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Stress is actually a wastebasket term, it’s so nonspecific. But yes, there are things you can do, such as stopping smoking. If you’re interested in having a baby and you’re a smoker, I believe there is a battle going on inside of you, an internal conflict.

Also reduce toxins like caffeine and alcohol. Cut back on sugar, but if you’re going to have something like chocolate, go for the highest quality you can find and be mindful about it.

(AFP Relaxnews)

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Lara Bestbier

Writer. Creative. Word-nerd. Aspiring photographer. Old wife. Brand new member of the elite society called mommy-hood. Mom to the only drama queen more demanding than me. “Life’s too short to keep a straight face”.
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